Thursday, December 29, 2011

What Starting Point Is and Is Not

In brief, Starting Point is a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community. But what does that mean?

A CONVERSATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: It’s a place where discussion happens around issues of faith, God, the Bible, Doubt, Wondering. Deep discussion really is the point. And though a little background and contextual teaching does occur, Starting Point is NOT a didactic religous teaching forum (Lord help us if it is)...No lecturing allowed!

EXPLORE FAITH: It’s a place for people to honestly and openly explore, investigate, survey, discuss, experiment with, and examine issues of faith, particularly, the Christian faith. While everyone is invited to share their particular story, spiritual journey and what that has meant to them, Starting Point is NOT a place where people will pressure you to convert you. Period.

EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY: It’s a place for people to get a taste of community. This is a huge piece…And you might be surprised how this happens over the course of 10 weeks. We strongly believe that community is a vital part of an individual's spiritual journey and growth. But this does NOT mean faith/belief is simply a form of "groupthink"--everyone espousing mantra like thoughts. We believe that each person is uniquely designed in every way, and therefore, we all have important and varied ways of seeing things. That is a very good thing.

So, if you're a person who is curious about God, Jesus, the Bible....

Or, a person who grew up in a church, seemed to move away from it over time but are now "wandering back" and wondering if the stuff you heard growing up is what it's all about or not...And if you can really believe any of it.

Or, if you're a person who has recently come to explicitly believe in Jesus and are wondering, "Wow! Ok...So now what does this all mean?"

We'd love to have you join us!

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