Thursday, December 15, 2011

Simply Offering New Ideas and "Right" Words Doesn't Change Any of Us...

“We’ve largely operated…with the assumption that merely giving people new ideas to agree with or disagree with changes people…It doesn’t…at any deep level…Especially if you feel you can argue about those ideas…Religion has had a huge love affair with words. We’ve burned people at the stake because they didn’t have the right words. And if you have the right words, they will call you orthodox…[And yet] We who are Christian are the very people who believe that the ‘word became flesh,’…[which] forever makes that argument impossible for us. To hide behind words; to fall in love with words; to think that because you have the right words, you’ve changed or you believe the idea. It seems to me it’s on the level of embodiment that change happens. Until it gets to embodiment…I don’t believe it has changed you. If it doesn’t allow you to see what’s happening on this planet in very different ways and allow you and call you to use your money, to use your time, to use your gifts in very different ways, I don’t think the Word has become flesh [in you]…And the message of the cross teaches us that real change always comes at a cost.”

-Father Richard Rohr

Come be a part of a community and see what happens...Ideas, words, questions discussed; stories told and heard and lives experienced in the midst of grappling with who God is and why that matters. You're invited...

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