Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Christianity...Just for the sake of "harnessing the young and giving comfort to the old?"

"Young people are told from birth to be good and do good. They live with rules, grades and expectations. Those who are successful in keeping those rules and meeting those expectations often find grace to be difficult to accept. To them, grace can seem like a covering for evil. They usually think that when the grace talk is over, the behavior is going to be bad, and Christian young people are usually most careful in the area of distinctive and different behavior.

"Christian young people who have made different moral choices than the majority may truly not see the wonder of grace. They haven't sinned enough. Or to be more exact, they don't see the outrage of their own sins clearly. The foundation of morality their parents and teachers built in their lives may make it difficult to see their own sinfulness honestly. The culture war focus that rages around Christian young people puts unusual emphasis on making choices and "being righteous." It's not at the exclusion of the Gospel, but it's often at the expense of the Gospel." -Michael Spencer

What do you think? Do you think the concept of God's reckless grace just allows for bad behavior? Is religion just something that, as one band feared might be something simply to "Harness the young and give some comfort to the old?"* Have you been "ruled out" by churches/religions in the past? Is faith in Jesus that...or is it something completely different? These are the types of things we grapple with at Starting Point...We invite you to join us!

*From the band Caedman's Call; song-"Prove Me Wrong"

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