Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not sure what you believe about God? Start here...

Ever wrestle with any good questions like these?

* If God is good, why is there so much suffering in the world?
* Hasn't science basically discredited the Bible?
* Who was Jesus...Really?
* Hasn't Christianity been a huge source of oppression throughout history?
* Aren't all religions basically the same?

Well, if you're at all like us, you've wrestled with these and many more!

That's why we invite you to join us at Starting Point

So what exactly is it?
Starting Point is a gathering that offers a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community. It is an ideal setting for people with questions about faith as well as those who want to generally learn more about Christianity and the Bible. It is a non-threatening small group where your opinions and beliefs will be valued.

Who is it for?
Starting Point is a place for people who are curious about God, Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, or even how our lives fit into the "story of the world" - but aren’t sure where to begin. It is a place for people who may have just begun a relationship with God-but might be wondering, “O.k... So where do I go from here?” It is a place for people who might be seeking to reconnect with God after a season away - but aren’t sure if what they understood before is what is really true about God.

So, wherever you are on your journey, we would consider it a privilege to join you!

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